Ventigra (afidopyropen) is an insecticide registered by BASF for the control of piercing and sucking insect pests such as aphids, whiteflies, psyllids, scales and leafhoppers.
Category: Entomology Crop Safety
Abamectin Crop Safety Summary – 2023
Abamectin has been registered since 1987 for environmental horticulture crops, initially for leafminers and spider mites on annuals and herbaceous perennials. Then in 2000, woody ornamentals plus aphids,
Neem + Azadirachtin Crop Safety – 2022
ANEEM (neem oil + azadirachtin) is an extract from the neem plant which has insecticidal, miticidal and some nematicidal and fungicidal properties. The IR-4 Project completed 23 crop safety trials on seven
V-10433 Crop Safety – 2021
V-10433 is a new insecticide being developed by Valent for the control of scales, mealybugs thrips and other insect infesting environmental horticulture crops. The IR-4 Project completed 24 crop safety trials
ISM-555 Crop Safety – 2021
ISM-555 is a new insecticide being developed by Syngenta for management of scale, mealybugs, thrips, beetles and other pests on environmental horticulture crops. The IR-4 Project completed 22 crop safety trials
SP3014 Crop Safety – 2021
SP3014 is a new insecticide being developed by SePro for the control of scales, mealybugs and other insects on environmental horticulture crops. The IR-4 Project completed 22 crop safety trials
Cyclaniliprole + Flonicamid Crop Safety – 2020
Pradia (cyclaniliprole + flonicamid) is a new insecticide combination recently registered for environmental horticultural crops for the control of a wide variety of insects including aphids,
Tolfenpyrad Crop Safety – 2019
Tolfenpyrad was first registered as Hachi-Hachi 15 EC in the United States on July 28, 2010 for the control of aphids, leafhoppers, scales, thrips, whiteflies, and early instar lepidopteran larvae on
Pyrifluquinazon Crop Safety – 2019
Pyrifluquinazon was registered for use on greenhouse ornamental horticulture crops as foliar sprays in the United States in 2013 to manage whiteflies, aphids, leafhoppers, chilli thrips, and
Pyridalyl Crop Safety Summary – 2019
Pyridalyl was registered as Overture for use on environmental horticulture plants in greenhouses with foliar applications in the United States in 2008.