Supporting/Similar Request

A Supporting/Similar request can be submitted to indicate support of an existing residue, product performance, and/or Integrated Solutions request.

To submit a Supporting/Similar request for an existing residue or product performance request, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Food Crops Database, select the Simple or Full Search option
  2. Enter your PR# and click “search.” If you do not know the PR#, search by chemical and/or commodity and select the appropriate PR. The PR report will then display.
  3. Above the report, click on “Submit Supporting/Similar Request”
  4. Complete the form and press submit

Note:  If the Similar/Supporting you are requesting is not for the same use pattern, there is a prompt to “click here” that will redirect you to the “New Project Clearance Request Form”.

To submit a Supporting/Similar Integrated Solutions request, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Food Crops Database, select Integrated Solutions Requests
  2. Select the desired IS number from the drop-down menu. If you do not know the IS number, use one of the other search parameters to find the request. The selected record will then display.
  3. Within the record, click on the link under “Supporting/Similar Request” to open the request form.
  4. Follow the prompts to submit your Supporting/Similar request.