Tolerance Success: Flonicamid

Federal Register Date: September 20, 2023

Active Ingredient: Flonicamid

Trade Name: Beleaf 50SG Insecticide, Flonicamid 50WG

Crops/Crop Groups (Food Crop PR#):

Bushberry subgroup 13-07B (11969)
Caneberry subgroup 13-07A (08585)
Cherry subgroup 12-12A, Peach subgroup 12-12B, Plum subgroup 12-12C (08558)
Sweet corn (11970)
Pomegranate (12283)
Prickly Pear (11966)
Edible podded bean subgroup 6-22A (13432)
Edible podded pea subgroup 6-22B (13433)
Succulent shelled bean subgroup 6-22C (13434)
Succulent shelled pea subgroup 6-22D (13435)
Pulses, dried shelled bean (except soybean) subgroup 6-22E (13436)
Pulses, dried shelled pea subgroup 6-22F (13437)

Disclaimer: The trade names listed here are provided as a means to identify the chemical for which a tolerance has been established. A trade name listed here may not be the name of the product on which the new food use(s) will be registered. Only labeled products may be used on crops. Be sure to obtain current information about usage regulations and examine a current product label before applying any product.