A new video from IR-4 Headquarters demonstrates how to complete and submit a Project Clearance Request form to our Food Use Residue and Product Performance Program. This video is the first in a series of instructional videos designed to engage more stakeholders in our research process by illuminating the process step by step. It can be viewed on the Submit a Request page.
The next video, coming in August, will walk viewers through the project nomination process. In the coming months, we will produce videos on the Food Use Workshop and the project upgrade proposal process.
This year’s deadline to submit a food crop Project Clearance Request is August 11. Requests submitted by this deadline may be considered for prioritization at the upcoming Food Use Workshop. IR-4’s Project Management Committee approved the following number of projects for prioritization at the workshop:
- 39 new “A” priorities
- 8 PUP (Project Upgrade Priority) / RU (Regional Upgrade)
- 10 H+ new priorities
- 14 new IS priorities
Register to join us at the 2023 Food Use Workshop, which will take place September 12-14 in Raleigh, NC. Take advantage of the early bird registration rate through 11:59 p.m. EDT on Thursday, August 31!
Thank you, Rhombus Learning, for providing your instructional design expertise and production of this video!