SP2700 Crop Safety – 2022

Research Summary Abstract

SP2700 is a new fungicide being developed by SePro for the control of diseases on environmental horticulture crops such as Alternaria, Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, and Thielaviopsis.The IR-4 Project completed 41 crop safety trials on 14 environmental horticulture plant species or genera from 2018 through 2021. SP2700 was applied either and a foliar spray or as a drench into soilless media. In these trials, six genera or species exhibited minimal or no injury after foliar applications in a minimum of three trials for each crop; these can be added to a list of tolerant plants in the new label for this active ingredient. The remaining eight other species or genera treated with foliar sprays exhibited minimal or no injury in the limited number of trials (one or two) for each crop.
When SP2700 was applied as a drench application, two plant species or genera exhibited moderate to severe negative impacts. The remaining six species or genera treated with drenches exhibited minimal or no injury in the limited number of trials (one or two) for each crop.

Link to Summary: SP2700 Crop Safety Summary