Oxyfluorfen Crop Safety – 2009

Research Summary Abstract

Oxyfluorfen (Goal 2XL) has been registered in the United States since 1979 (Goal 2E) for uses in and around ornamental plants in production nurseries and in landscapes. The label recommends over-the-top or directed spray to conifers, with a precaution not to make over-the-top application during periods of active conifer growth. It is registered for field-grown deciduous trees used only as a directed spray to soil beneath the trees. Between 1976 and 1997, the IR-4 Project conducted over 905 trials using two granular formulations (Goal 1G, Goal 2G), a liquid formulation (Goal 2E) and two wettable powder formulations (Goal 25WP, Goal 30WP). This report is the first summary across all the available data generated through IR-4.

Thirty-nine plant species or genera exhibited no or minimal, transitory phytotoxicity to over-the-top applications of Goal 1G and Goal 2G formulations. Of these, 8 species are already registered for Goal 2XL.

Three species exhibited no phytotoxicity with over-the-top Goal G applications at 1.0 and 2.0 lb ai per acre, but significant phytotoxicity occurred at 4.0 and 8.0 lb ai per acre

Thirteen crops demonstrated significant phytotoxicity at all tested rates of Goal 1G or 2G. Of these crops, two deciduous crops are are already registered for Goal 2XL applied only as directed spray.

Goal 2E or 25/30WP applied over-the-top exhibited no or minimal negative impact on eight conifers and only three other plant species. Five of these conifers are already registered for Goal 2XL.

One species exhibited no phytotoxicity with over-the-top Goal 2E or 25/30WP over-the-top applications at at 1.0 or 2.0 lb ai per acre, but significant phytotoxicity occurred at 4.0 and 8.0 lb ai per acre.

Twenty-seven crops exhibited significant damage at all tested rates of Goal formulations applied as liquid spray over-the-top. Of these crops, one deciduos species is already registered for Goal 2XL applied only as directed spray.

Link to Summary: Oxyfluorfen Data Summary