Quinoclamine Crop Safety – 2006

Research Summary Abstract

 Mogeton 25WP (quinoclamine) at 2, 4 and 8 oz product per gallon (1X, 2X and 4X rates) provides excellent control of liverworts in ornamental horticulture crops grown in containers in greenhouses or nurseries. Mogeton 25WP provided good to excellent control of liverworts and exhibited excellent crop safety on most plants tested at the 2 oz per gallon rate. Several plant species exhibited some transient phytotoxicity possibly dependent upon crop stage, and some plant species will need additional testing to clarify response to over the top applications of Mogeton 25WP. However, in the 2005 research conducted through the IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program, only four crops demonstrated unsatisfactory injury after Mogeton 25WP application at the 2 oz per gallon rate: columbine (Aquilegia), Japanese painted fern (Athyrium nipponicum var picturm), lily turf (Liriope muscari), and vervain (Verbena).

Link to Summary: Quinoclamine Data Summary