Alibi Flora (azoxystrobin + difenoconazole) was registered on January 12, 2015 for use on ornamental horticulture crops and landscape ornamental horticulture plants in the United States to manage foliar, stem and crown diseases. From 2014 to 2016, the IR-4 Project conducted 41 trials on 15 ornamental plant species / genera examining phytotoxicity related to Alibi Flora applications. The data contained in this report were generated to register uses of azoxystrobin + difenoconazole for use on environmental horticulture plants. The rates tested were 8 (1X), 14 (2X) and 28 (4X) fl oz per 100 gal.
Alibi Flora was applied to fifteen (15) plant species or genera. Eight exhibited no or minimal transient injury in at least 3 trials, and two of these (Buddleia davidii and Dianthus spp.) are already in the Alibi Flora label. Seven species or genera exhibited no injury in one or two trials; six of them are already in the label. Six additional species can be considered for labelling: Aquilegia spp., Calibrachoa spp., Lamium spp., Lavandula spp., Monarda didyma and Osteospermum sp. be added to the Alibi Flora label.