Mefentrifluconazole Crop Safety – 2024

Research Summary Abstract

Avelyo (mefentrifluconazole) is a fungicide developed by BASF that has been registered for use since May 2020. It is used for the control of diseases such as anthracnose, powdery mildew,

leaf spot, scab, rust, and blight of environmental horticulture crops. The IR-4 Project has completed 111 crop safety trials on 27 environmental horticulture plant species or genera during 2019 to 2023. This summary contains data across all reports available through IR-4 since 2019, including efficacy experiments where crop safety data were collected.

Thirty-five species or genera exhibited no or minimal injury after drench or foliar treatments of Mefentrifluconazole. Twenty-five of the tested plants exhibited no injury across multiple trials, while the remaining ten plants showed the same with less than 3 trials. Crop species or genera not currently present on the label could be added based on this data, provided that BASF has similar results.

Link to Summary: Mefentrifluconazole Crop Safety Summary