Nematode Literature Review – 2017

Hosta leaves

Research Summary Abstract

Foliar nematodes cause huge damage not only in food crops but also on popular ornamental horticulture plants. This summary includes research from nematode efficacy experiments on ornamental horticulture crops during 1999 to 2017. The 36 products tested either as soil or foliar treatments were from different mode-of-action groups and included 26 chemicals, 9 plant oils, and 1 bacterial biopesticide. Products with good efficacy included: abamectin, acephate, clothianidin, dimethoate, insecticidal soap, isofenphos, methiocarb, neem oil, oregano oil, oxamyl and lambda-cyhalothrin. Active ingredients with excellent efficacy included: ammonia hydroxide, Burkholderia cepacia, chlofenapyr, cinnamon + clove + thyme oils (32% + 8% + 15%), diazinon, ethoprophos, grapefruit seed extract, imidacloprid, peroxyacetic acid, potassium permanganate, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, sodium hypochlorite, and trichlofon.

Link to Summary: Nematode Efficacy Literature Review